Friday, August 12, 2011

Lost And Found.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About almost everything. I feel all my part of body doesn’t cooperate well. My brain, heart, eyes, mouth, ears, legs, hands, fingers, tounge, all of them. Sepertinya semuanya gak sejalan. Mereka bergerak sesuka hati mereka. Gak ada sinkronisasi di antara mereka. Too many questions that I can’t answer. This is bad. Really bad. And the worst part is, there is no one I can share with or even talk to. Just simply because I can imagine what their response: “What exactly are you questioning about? You don’t even know your question.”

Remind you with something? Yes. It’s Madre. What I’m feeling now is exactly the same like one of the story of Madre. And I do wish I can get some answers. Because, I’m LOST. Where can I get those answers? GOD?

Dear God,

If I ask YOU all of the question that I don’t really know what the questions are, will YOU still answer it for me? Because I don’t wanna get lost too long. Because, I start to realize something. It is YOU. Only YOU. The One that I can count on to everything.

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